I am passionate about the highest potential of each human soul, and am here to support people who are serious about their growth. If you see that we are living out of balance and yearn to heal and change yourself, and to give the sacred gift they are here to give, know you have been born for these times. Now is the time to begin, for we are at a tipping point.
I offer developmental coaching, rites of passage, grief guidance and more that allow you to hear YOUR OWN KNOWING, which is ultimately your best possible guide.
This work is my form of activism. As each of us moves to ever greater consciousness, we become the change we want to see in the world, and the world is transformed. Let’s do this.
• Are You Navigating a Life Transition?
• Are You Feeling Called to A New Way of Being?
• Are You Seeking Authentic Connection — to Yourself, to Others, and to Life?
• Are You Seeking Your Unique Genius in Service to the World?
Contact me if you want to know more.
We are living in extraordinary times. Perhaps you have felt in your own experience a deep shift occurring; some awakening impulse to move beyond the limits you sense in yourself and in the culture at large. Many are feeling the shift, and are responding in remarkably creative ways.
Indigenous peoples have always known in their bones that the natural world is infused with spirit – that it carries a life force, a wholeness, a wisdom that we are an intrinsic part of. Is it possible that we modern, urban, technological, linear-thinking humans can evolve to embrace BOTH our modern complexity, AND be intimately connected to the magic of this cosmic creation?
I envision a culture that is both technologically advanced, and completely engaged in sacred reciprocity with the natural systems of the earth—listening to her, learning from her, evolving with her.
This vision becomes real as each one of us awaken to our own true selves, and seek to bring our unique gifts to the world. This is a holistic process, the core of which is a psychological and spiritual maturity.
What is your soul’s longing? What unconscious beliefs about yourself, about Life, about others might be keeping you from realizing your greatest potential? How might remembering your own intimate connection to Nature assist you in uncovering who you truly are?
I invite you to check out what is offered here and see if it can be of service to your journey. Let's co-create the new culture together!
“The same power that moves the universe exists within our lives. Each individual has immense potential, and a great change in the inner dimension of one individual life has the power to touch others’ lives and transform society. Everything begins with us.”
“We are all connected. We are rediscovering at a deeper level our connections to each other, and these connections are based on energy and information. All of this has real roots now emerging from physics, the new cosmology, the new biology, and the new research on consciousness. That is the key, to discover that our sense of connection is not purely imaginary. It is there. It is real. It is to be cultivated.”
“Small islands of coherence in a sea of chaos have the capacity to shift the entire system to a higher order. —”
Advita Vedanta non-dual teacher Ramesh Balkesar from the late 90's. Very simple and clear concepts, to be investigated and directly experienced by any interested seeker.
Up in a tree with my nephew way back in 2006.
My last blog, after a decade of words.